Imagination - The Preview of Life's Coming Attractions

 What drifts into your imagination? Only that which you have already conceived! It is not a new idea that anything we can conceive and believe in, we can achieve. What may be new is accepting that to conceive an idea is simply to imagine an outcome. This is the magic of life; our imagination.

It is ever more important for parents to understand that allowing your child to have a creative and vivid imagination, without dampening it by telling them something is not possible, is the best way to ensure their success. When we intercept their imaginary projections for the future, we build walls they must tear down as adults to reach the heights they were created to climb.

What about adults? Adults have already incurred the damage of other people's opinions about the things they imagined. Could this be the road block that stands between your current reality and achieving your dreams? Imagine that! It seems pretty simple to fix if this is the problem. But is it?

What drifts into your mind as you imagine the outcome of your life, your marriage, your family or your job? If you really let yourself go and follow the thought or image that first drifted into your mind, where does it take you? Almost always it is to a better place than your current reality. Why?

We are mostly afraid to believe in the things we imagine.

Others may think we are crazy, or, we may fail! Then what would we do? How would we overcome the failure? It is those thoughts that put the blanket over the gilded cage of dreams. We find it easier to plan how we could handle the failure than how to achieve the dream! Humans; we are ever prepared to fail. Thankfully, this is a learned response. How do we overcome years of training, how do we tear down the walls that stand between us and great joy?

Is it possible for you to let yourself go, really let yourself go and let your imagination run wild? If you can do this, you have torn down the first wall, that of resistance to your own dreams!

Can you stare at the things that your imagination has created? Pretend they are already real and closely examine how that scene could play out in real life? Can you step into the scene you have created and 'live the dream' even for a short time? All that stands between you and your ability to do this is your refusal to 'waste time daydreaming.' If you can do this, you have torn down the second wall.

Are you able to stay in the dream long enough to see what things are not really going to make you happy? To sort through all of it and then say, "This, this is what I want!" Stay with it until you capture the emotions in that dream. You have just torn down the third wall that stands between you and your dreams.

Are you willing to entertain the idea that what you have just participated in is like sitting in the movie theatre and watching the previews to an upcoming movie? One you would love to see?

If so, you have torn down the barrier to your real happiness! If not, it's like having it all and watching it fall apart; all because you chose not to play the leading role in the dream. Then it becomes a nightmare.

Your dreams are beckoning you, they are saying, "If I could fly, I'd pick you up and take you into the light and show you a life like you've never seen." Answer the call of your imagination and live the dream. Who knew there was such magic and power in imagination!


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