And So It Is

It’s rare when an entire planet can be caught in the grips of the same moment; facing an unseen tormentor who fights with the might of Goliath while many David’s have loosed their sling shots of weapons in hopes of defeating what cannot be seen.

A mighty world filled with powerful weapons, unimaginable technology and the Wisdom of Solomon has been forced to cower in fear, to hide in place. Is it any wonder that we look behind us at what once was to see what can be? Written in the history of planet Earth, as we know it, are many stories of plagues, death and destruction that only a few short months ago caused many to believe they could not have been true. Today, we believe the stories. We know it can be so; because it is.

The warriors of today bear no weapons beyond their extraordinary commitment, abilities, masks, gloves, drug trials they hope may work and finally, technology that can force the breath a body can no longer take. They drive trucks; prepare food, stock grocery shelves and man the power, water and sewage systems that allow some sense of normality in a world most no longer recognize. They are in blue uniforms, red fire trucks, EMT ambulances and the many support teams that stand behind all of these people. We have redefined what is essential in our lives, narrowed down our wants to what have now become must haves; even those are simplified.

In some manner we have all been forced to determine what we believe in; an uncomfortable position for many. We realize that the world we once existed in was filled with freedoms we never even noticed, until they were gone. This has become glaringly obvious to those who existed in a free society they once took for granted. 

While most understood that freedom was never free, we always believed it was attainable; that we had the might and fortitude to retrieve it. It is a different war, this one we are in today. Winning is essential to restore the freedom to resume our lives safely; and we will.

Like every catastrophic event, the survivors will have a deep memory imprint of what has transpired. This will be the same. We will not forget, not for a lifetime. The annals of history will record what actually happened, how we responded to it and how it changed us, all of us. Significant events always create significant change. It will be so this time as well.

We find great comfort in memories we may have buried in our minds. Humble things like family, friends and gatherings from a simpler time; perhaps in our childhood. They remind us of what was and still is important even years later. It is human to retrieve memories that remind us of feeling safe and happy in uncertain times. There is great value in good memories. They are the warm blankets we wrap ourselves in during the coldest times in our lives.

Every country will have a different perception of what the future holds. Most Americans don’t really doubt that we will stand strong again, that we will rebuild what was lost and more; that we will discover what it takes to win the war. We are simply waiting to see what part we must play and where we can show up to do our part. It is the American way; we show up, fight and stop when we have defeated the enemy, it’s what must be done to preserve the freedom and the spirit of a nation that believes.

In some distant way,  like on the darkest day we celebrate as Good Friday, our Sunday will come reminding us that this was not the final curtain but rather a long intermission in our lives leading to a new beginning.  And so it is.


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