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10 Signs You're Becoming the Best of Strangers

 There are signs that you're a committed couple; you know each other's favorite foods, favorite places, interests, goals, likes and dislikes. When things are in motion to becoming a couple learning more about each other is vitally important; when you're growing apart, there are different signs. You're becoming strangers to one another. How can you recognize when this is happening to your relationship? 1) You stop sharing conversations about things that were important to both of you. 2) You stop attending things together that used to be a part of your routine. 3) Your partner is no longer interested in going to family functions together. 4) Your partner gets a new car or other vehicle and you did not know they were looking. 5) Your partner changes jobs; you did not know they were looking. 6) Your opinion about household changes no longer matters. 7) Your partner has new interests you were unaware of. 8) Their opinions about things that were important to both of ...

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