Returning From The Living Dead

 "You're a loser... poor, stupid, ugly, fat, nobody likes you," all taunting, hate filled, hurtful words frequently flung at randomly chosen people destined to become victims of other broken people. When you hear enough of these words, your self-esteem is shattered, your heart is broken and personal dreams crushed, leaving your perception of self-worth trailing behind. Head down, shoulders drooping, your faltering steps may lead you right into the human refuse pile. To the world it may appear that you willingly joined the helpless, hapless people who reside there. Is your soul broken, are you a lost soul?

It is a sad place, filled with despair, this human rubbish pit. Those who find themselves residing there frequently look upon themselves with humiliation, turning in terror from the image reflected in the mirror. Who is this mockery of mankind staring back at you with bloodless eyes of shame? It is you, recreated by someone else's design. The horror of it all! Many people give up here, somehow imagining that to be only painless path; something very serious is wrong.

If this were a battle with cancer or any other fatal illness, you likely would set out to find the best treatment available and place your faith in doctors who are proven to be the best. This is what we are trained to do. If your car was vital to keeping a job you love and maintaining a lifestyle you believe you have earned, finding the best mechanic available to ensure it works properly would be your first priority. Even though the best advice or treatments are frequently exorbitantly expensive, we seek the best believing it will produce the best results. This is what we are trained to do.

Who trained you to accept defeat in the most serious battle you will ever face, the battle to repair yourself? Did it happen by chance? Did you make bad choices or believe in the wrong people? Were any of those hateful words that seared you into pieces uttered by those who have the ability to heal you? How then did they have the power to defeat you? They have filled your mind with fear and doubt and angst and regret and hatred; and lo, we become what we believe.

Where does one go for the treatment to repair this kind of personal damage? You can take heart in knowing that your soul can never be broken or lost; it is the God force within you, always intact always aware of where He is. You simply go within to the Master repairman who looks upon what humanity believes is broken beyond repair as a simple task of rearranging of energy and restoring the beauty and grandeur you brought into this lifetime. Easy for Him because you are His design, perfect and intact; He holds the vision of your truth. How expensive is very effective treatment? Simple faith, the grain of mustard seed; and your willingness to let go of your own treatment plan.

You return from the living dead when you allow the picker of the human refuse pile to administer the touch of the Master's hand to you and your life. It's what you train yourself to do.


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