Mind Chatter - Diminishing Your Personal Power

 Is your mind frequently cluttered with songs, past conversations that replay continuously or jumbled up reminders of what is yet to do? Confusion and chaos rules when this is happening. Many imagine they are multi-tasking as they move through the day in this state. Something much worse is happening as your mind is embracing all that mind chatter. You are broadcasting your fears, confusion and the general disarray in your life, chipping away at your own personal power like a master sculptor.

Your brain is the ultimate power tool in your tool box of life. Letting it roam freely about attaching to anything that wonders into your path is dangerous in many ways. The person who can harness control of their mind achieves laser beam focus on any goal or intention. They are almost certain to achieve whatever they have in sight. Like the cross-hairs of a scope, the focused human mind rarely misses the target.

The smart body, or innate, that surrounds every person extends twelve feet in every direction. It acts as the early warning system that protects us or stirs excitement as it reads the energy you are moving into. It is translated to you as your 'gut instinct.' When your mind is in a state of constant chaos everyone you come into contact with receives a reading of your energy that is confused; it is read as powerless, conveying the message that you are 'out of control and have no clear direction.'

If you frequently feel that you or your intentions are misunderstood or first impressions of you are constantly flawed that is a good indicator. When others simply don't seem to get who you really are it is likely because the energy you are broadcasting is jumbled and chaotic. If a situation is fearful or your intentions need to be private you may be better served by keeping that to yourself. Whatever idea is uppermost in our mind is the news that everyone receives at 'gut level;' it can be used to their advantage. All of this is dis-empowering and diminishes their impression of the person you really are. A clear and focused mind is the most powerful weapon you can bring to any situation you encounter. It is also the best possible way to advertise to the world that you are in control and focused on the goal.

Keep your mind clear of mind chatter and live in the present moment, in the now. It's all there really ever is. Others around you will receive and a clear and precise interpretation of the person you want to portray. So, what's on your mind?


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